
「今、私は一般社会の一員ですが、ほんの2年前までは軍人でした。 韓国の男性は皆軍隊に行かなくてはなりませんが、僕は兵役ではなく職業として軍人になりたかったので、4年間特殊部隊で服務することを決意しました。 詳しいことはお話しできませんが、軍隊の経験は良いとか悪いは別にして僕の人生に大きな影響を与えました。



Kwak, Seungyong from South Korea is an AFS alumnus who had stayed in Japan for six months in 2012, one year after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

“Currently, I am just a member of the general society, but until a few years ago, I was a South Korean soldier. By law, every South Korean man must register to spend about two years in the armed forces, but I rather wanted to become a soldier as a profession, so I decided to be a part of the Republic of Korea Special Forces for four years.
I can’t explain much details of my experience in the military, but it had a tremendous impact on my life no matter good or bad. The most crucial lesson I learned from my experience in the military was that “nothing will change only by thinking, but nothing can be accomplished unless you think of it.”
I faced with many situations where I had to think not only “Plan A,” but also “Plan B” while identifying the best strategy (even though I eventually needed “Plan A” only in many cases). There are two reasons why you should have Plan B.
One is because you can avoid the worst-case scenario, and another is by having a backup plan, your chances of success will be increased because you are simply not afraid of failing completely. This theory should apply not only in the military but also everyday life.

If you have a dream, it’s imperative to start thinking and taking action to achieve the best outcome. Things can be too late when you realized that it’s late. Thus, if you have something that you want to accomplish, please start thinking your options and put your thoughts into action right away.”

この記事のカテゴリー: 韓国 | AFS体験 その後の進路・活動