松江支部に滞在中のタイの留学生( KONGSAIPAKIN, NAPAT )が、島根県高文連春季写真コンクールで特選に選ばれました。

  • 写真:高文連提供 「前へ!前へ!」
  • Caption
    My Photography Club teacher helped me come up with the title 「前へ!前へ!」It was early in the morning and the lighting was great so I took a bunch of photos while playing with my host family’s kids.
    This shot was taken from a low angle to give you the perspective of someone who’s crouching down to a child’s eye-level.
    I also find that the color’s contrast between the plant and the kid is really interesting. Also fun fact: the competition result came out on the same day as the kid in the photo’s birthday.


(公財)AFS日本協会 松江支部
[email protected]

この記事のカテゴリー: AFS活動レポート 受入生受賞情報

この記事のタグ   : 松江支部